Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Quaternary dating by electron spin resonance (esr) applied to human tooth enamel 

      Carvajal, Eduar; Montes, Luis; Almanza Montero, Ovidio Amado
      This paper presents the results obtained from using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) to analyse tooth enamel found at the Aguazuque archaeological site (Cundinamarca, Colombia), located on the savannah near Bogota at ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Earth Sciences Research Journal. 
    • Quaternary dating by electron spin resonance (esr) applied to human tooth enamel 

      Carvajal, Eduar; Montes, Luis; Almanza Montero, Ovidio Amado
      This paper presents the results obtained from using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) to analyse tooth enamel found at the Aguazuque archaeological site (Cundinamarca, Colombia), located on the savannah near Bogota at ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Earth Sciences Research Journal.