Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • An exchange properly for the submodular systems 

      Marcu, Danut
      The purpose of this note is to point out that the subset exchange property of matroid bases is a special case of a general vector exchange property, satisfied by submodular systems.
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Revista Colombiana de Matemáticas. 
    • Another upper bound for the domination number of a graph 

      Marcu, Danut
      If δ and  ∆ are the minimum and máximum degrees of a simple graph G of size n, then, for its domination number B(G), we show that B(G) ≤ [(n-∆-1) (n- δ-2)/(n-1)]+2.
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Revista Colombiana de Matemáticas.