Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • On [y, y']-semiopen sets 

      Carpintero, Carlos; Rajesh, Neeñamegajaran; Rosas, Ennis
      In this work we introduce and study the concept of [Y,Y']-semiopen sets and their related functions in topological spaces.
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Boletín de Matemáticas. 
    • On spectral properties and extensions of bounded linear operators 

      Carpintero, Carlos; Rosas, Ennis; Sanabria, José; García, Orlando; Rodríguez, Jorge
      If T is a bounded linear operator on some Banach space and T has a bounded extension T on another space. In general, almost nothing can be said concerning the relationship between the spectral properties of T and T. In ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Boletín de Matemáticas. 
    • On upper and lower faintly ω-continuous multifunctions 

      Carpintero, Carlos; Rajesh, Namelgahesj; Rosas, Ennis; Saranyasri, Sanya
      The aim of this paper is to introduce and study upper and lower faintly ω-continuous multifunctions as a generalization of upper and lower ω- continuous multifunctions, respectively due to Zorlutuna [7].
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Boletín de Matemáticas. 
    • Properties of faintly w-continuous functions 

      Carpintero, Carlos; Rajesh, Namegahelsj; Rosas, Ennis; Saranyasri, Sanya
      In [3] the authors, introduced the notion of faint !-continuity intopological spaces. In this paper, we investigate new characterizations of this type of continuity.
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Boletín de Matemáticas.