Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Biomass production and heavy metal absorption by four plants grown at the moravia dump, medellin, colombia 

      Sanchez Pinzon, Maria Solange; Torrenegra, Ruben Dario; Martínez, Hernan; salazar, Claudia Eugenia; Barahona Rosales, Rolando
      Dumps are sites where the presence of high heavy metal (HM) concentration is a common occurrence, creating the need for implementing restoration processes immediately after their closure. In the 7.6 ha and 45 m high Morro ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Acta Biológica Colombiana. 
    • Biomass production and heavy metal absorption by four plants grown at the moravia dump, medellin, colombia 

      Sanchez Pinzon, Maria Solange; Torrenegra, Ruben Dario; Martínez, Hernan; salazar, Claudia Eugenia; Barahona Rosales, Rolando
      Dumps are sites where the presence of high heavy metal (HM) concentration is a common occurrence, creating the need for implementing restoration processes immediately after their closure. In the 7.6 ha and 45 m high Morro ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Acta Biológica Colombiana.