Now showing items 1-7 of 7

    • Application of neural networks to obtain the site response in mexico city 

      Vargas J., Carlos A.; Cuenca S., Julio C.
      Hemos implementado una red neuronal de tres capas escondidas con 40 neuronas por capa para ser usada como funciones de trasferencia suelo/roca en dos estaciones acelerométricas en Ciudad de México. La red fue entrenada con ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Earth Sciences Research Journal. 
    • Geoinformation density: a criterion on anh block negotiation 

      Vargas J., Carlos A.; Zamora R, Armando; Pardo, Andres
      Based on the general information included within the ANH Exploration and Production Information Service, the information distribution densities of the Colombian territory were determined. Thesedensities are referred in ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Earth Sciences Research Journal. 
    • Letter from the editor 

      Vargas J., Carlos A.
      The Earth Sciences Research Journal volume 20, number 3, with eight high-quality scientific articles, is now available online for all our readers, all the related scientific community.  The publishing committee has decided ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Earth Sciences Research Journal. 
    • Letter from the editor 

      Vargas J., Carlos A.
      At the end of the 2016 and early 2017, Earth Sciences Research Journal wants to thank you for making this project a successful journal. Four numbers in one year were our principal milestone for 2016. In total, we issued ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Earth Sciences Research Journal. 
    • Letter from the editor 

      Vargas J., Carlos A.
      Times of change wind this year for Earth Sciences Research Journal. The hard work of the last years have resulted in a significant advance for this journal, and now we want to announce our four volumes to be published since ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Earth Sciences Research Journal. 
    • Letter from the editor 

      Vargas J., Carlos A.
      Dear readers and contributors of the Earth Sciences Research Journal,Thanks again to be part of this interesting professional journal. With pretty proud I want to present this new issue (17:1, June-2013) with interesting ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Earth Sciences Research Journal. 
    • Modelado Flexural 3D de la cuenca Llanos Orientales de Colombia 

      Alva Carmona, Maria Rosa
      Los Llanos Orientales de Colombia corresponden a un sistema de cuenca antepaís que registró el inicio del pulso tectónico más reciente a partir del Mioceno (Campos, 2011) influenciado en gran medida por la colisión y ...