Top Search Terms

Search TermSearches% of TotalPageviews / Search
1subject_keyword:Ciencias Naturales229.02%0.00
2subject_keyword:34 Derecho / Law208.20%0.00
3author_keyword:Santamaría Chavarro, Camila Andrea197.79%0.00
4subject_keyword:36 Problemas y servicios sociales, asociaciones / Social problems and social services176.97%0.00
5subject_keyword:37 Educación / Education156.15%0.00
6author_keyword:García Taylor, Sally Ann135.33%0.00
7author_keyword:Moreno Cañadas, Fabiola135.33%0.00
9subject_keyword:57 Ciencias de la vida; Biología / Life sciences; biology135.33%0.00
10subject_keyword:99 Historia general de otras áreas / History of ancient world; of specific continents, countries, localities; of extraterrestrial worlds135.33%0.00


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