Browsing Análisis Político by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 414
Dual citizenship and political participation: migrants in the interplay of united states and colombian politics
Colombian migrants have naturalized in great numbers following the enactment of Colombian dual citizenship legislation in 1990 and the US immigration reforms of 1990s. Contrary to fears that dual citizenship is detrimental ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Análisis Político. -
The relationship of the colombian state and the paramilitary phenomena: for historical enlightening
The process that is actually being developed by the government of President Alvaro Uribe and the AUC (name in Spanish for United Auto-defense of Colombia) still rises more questions than answers. This article poses a central ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Análisis Político. -
The economics of the paramilitary war: an approximation to its financial sources
This article on the war economics of the paramilitary phenomena in Colombia, establishes a perspective of analysis on the interference of the phenomena in the economy of the nation as a whole, defining the possible actors ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Análisis Político. -
Fifty years of female suffrage in colombia 1954: for the conquest of vote. 2004: for the extension of female citizenship
This article makes a memory reconstruction and a balance of the steps taken by Colombian women in the last decades in regards to the commemoration of 50 years of female suffrage. This paper presents the main reflections ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Análisis Político. -
Intervención en conflictos internos. el caso colombiano 1994-2003. socorro ramírez bogotá, universidad nacional de colombia, 2004
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Women in arms: ¿citizen progress or feminine subjection?
This essay argues that when women enter the armed institutions they are not betraying their feminine nature nor being subjected by patriarchal logics, on the contrary they are infringing barriers constructed by a masculine ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Análisis Político. -
Law or morality: which is more important?
The painstaking controversy opened by Dr. Villegas invites to critically inquire about the results of our work Indicators of Citizen Coexistence. From its title it poses a crucial question: Subject to morality or law?To ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Análisis Político. -
The elites and the people, their alliances and divisions. a comparative study of the democratic coalitions in bolivia (1952 and 1985)
Bolivia is the only country of South America which has gone through a popular revolution of important political and social dimensions. It had to support one of the most severe and repressive dictatorships of the Andean ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Análisis Político. -
De nuremberg a la haya: los crímenes de derechos humanos ante la justicia. problemas, avances y perspectivas a los 60 años del tribunal militar internacional de nuremberg
This essay was written as an introduction to Von Nürnberg nach Haag, a book that assembled the contributions to the international conference organized in the city of Nuremberg to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Análisis Político. -
Colombia y venezuela: debates de la historia y retos del presente. socorro ramírez y josé m. cadenas (coordinadores académicos y editoriales),universidad central de venezuela, iepri universidad nacional de colombia,grupo académico colombia-venezuela,2005.
Ver PDF.Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Análisis Político. -
Nadando contra la corriente: mujeres y cuotas políticas en los países andinos. magdalena león (directora), bogotá, unifem-unal-iep-unfpacidem- flacso-ecuador, 2005.
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Modelos de decisión electoral y perfiles de votante en Colombia: elecciones presidenciales 2002
Este artículo analiza la decisión de voto en las elecciones presidenciales de 2002 en Colombia. Si bien toma prestados elementos de varios enfoques teóricos sobre comportamiento electoral, se orienta básicamente en la ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Análisis Político. -
Haití: una intervención desafortunada
Para el autor de este artículo el envío de tropas latinoamericanas a Haití en 2004 fue una decisión desacertada desde el comienzo. Los exiguos logros en materia de orden público en Haití han mostrado los límites de una ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Análisis Político. -
Conflictive transition: demobilized fighters in colombia
Ex-combatants and the communities that receive them are the key interlocutors in this anthropological investigation of the demobilization and reinsertion process. The Colombian case is of great interest because the government ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Análisis Político. -
Exchange or shooting: political prisoners in xix century wars in colombia
In this article you discusses the problem of the political crime in the first place in XIX century, sustaining a novel position: the political crime had bigger width than the one that is attributed usually, because in ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Análisis Político. -
¿Qué es ganar y qué es perder en política?: los retos en la participación electoral
Why do women succeed or fail in politics? This article seeks to answer that question in three stages. One, with reference to the formal regulations of electoral proceedings and their possible consequences for women’s ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Análisis Político. -
Nuestra guerra sin nombre. transformaciones del conflicto en colombia. bogotá, iepri-norma, 2006
Ver versión PDF.Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Análisis Político. -
Brazil–colombia: security and trade strengthen their far vicinity
Colombia shares with Brazil the one that constitutes its second frontier in extension, but, contrary to the most extensive that separates it and it communicates with Venezuela, to that boundary he/she has not been granted ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Análisis Político. -
Moments, sceneries, and subjects in the constituent production. critical approaches to constitutional process in 90’s
In front of these realities, the convocation to the Constituent National Assembly was erected as the great political moment for the consolidation of a new society project characterized by a true democratic "eticidad". The ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Análisis Político. -
La reforma política en Ecuador en un callejón sin salida
El presente artículo gira en torno a la aparente imposibilidad de llevar a cabo una profunda reforma política, para reforzar las instituciones, reconciliar los ciudadanos con sus representantes y consolidar la democracia ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Análisis Político.