Browsing Caldasia by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 1459
El 125o. aniversario de la muerte de caldas
En la mañana del 19 de octubre de 1816, en la Plaza de San Francisco, de Bogotá, un pelotón de ejecución compuesto de soldados del ejercito expedicionario español dueño del país y bajo el mando del Pacificador Morillo y ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Caldasia. -
349 estudios morfo-anatómicos de gineceo y fruto en especies de mentha (lamiaceae) de argentina
Se realizaron estudios morfológicos y anatómicos de gineceo y fruto, utilizando microscopía óptica y electrónica de barrido, en especies de Mentha (sect. Mentha L.y sect. Pulegium (Mill.) Coss. and amp; Germ.). Se registran ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Caldasia. -
A check - list of colombian and presumed colombian cactaceae
This check-list has strictly practical purposes. It was written to present in a convenient form a selection of published species, which all students of Colombian Cactaceae cannot afford to disregard while identifying old ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Caldasia. -
A genetic study of wild populations and evolution
The determination of the scientific basis of heredity within the last two decades and the verification of the principal conclusions in many different plants and animals has made possible the application of analytical methods ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Caldasia. -
A key to the colombian species of holostipous lejeuneaceae (hepaticae)
Se provee la sinopsis y la clave, con énfasis en carácteres vegetativos, para 72 especies (en 34 géneros) de Lejeuneaceae con anfigastros enteros para Colombia y regiones aledañas. También se suministra una breve información ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Caldasia. -
A key to the microfilariae of the genus litomosoides (phylum nematoda), endoparasites from Colombia bats
A key is provided for the identification of eight species of microfilariae of Litomosoides (Filarioidea: Onchocercidae) found in the blood of 85 Colombian bats. Eleven new host records for Colombia are reported for L. ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Caldasia. -
A new arborescent species of zamia (cycadales, zamiaceae) from the department of huila, eastern cordillera of colombia
Zamia huilensis Calonje, Esquivel, and amp; D.W. Stev., a new arborescent species from theEastern Cordillera of Colombia (Department of Huila), is described and illustrated. Itis compared to Z. muricata Willd., which has ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Caldasia. -
A new bromeliad (navia) from colombia
COLOMBIA: Vaupés: Upper Apaporis Basin, río Apaporis, Cerro del Castillo, alt. ca. 1000 feet (or 300 m.), July 27, 1943, R. E. Schultes 5655 (Gray Herb. TYPE; Dupl. Type in Herb. Nac. Colomb.) . This new Navia appears ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Caldasia. -
A new colombian species of lecythidaceae
Gustavia romeroi Mori and amp; H. García-Barriga, sp. nov. / Distribution / Additional material examined / Local names / Ecology /Comments.Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Caldasia. -
A new genus of epipsocidae (psocodea:’psocoptera’), from valle del cauca, colombia, and a re-appraisal of goja navás, 1927
A monotypic genus of Epipsocidae is here described and illustrated. It belongs in the clade Phallofractus-Goja-Rogojiella-Ianthorntonia and shows several striking autapomorphic characters. Goja Navás is divided in two ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Caldasia. -
A new genus of rhytirrhinini from Colombia (Coleoptera: curculionidae)
Rupanius, gen. n., comprende la única especie R. carinatus, sp. n., endémica de la provincia biogeográfica del Páramo de Colombia. Este género se reconoce por los élitros subcuadrados y con una conspicua carena declivital ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Caldasia. -
A new jumping spider species of the genus Maeota (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini), with new faunistic data of the tribe from Colombia
A new species of jumping spider of the genus Maeota (Salticidae), M. galeanoae sp. nov., is described and illustrated from the Caribbean state of Magdalena, Colombia. Additionally, the genus Anasaitis is recorded for the ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Caldasia. -
A new key to the genera of liverworts of Colombia
A key is presented to 130 liverwort genera recorded from Colombia. Some genera found in neighboring countries, but not yet in Colombia, are also included in the keyUniversidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Caldasia. -
A new snake from tile eastern andes of colombia
A small collection from northeastern Colombia recently sent for identification by my friend Hermano Nicéforo María of the Instituto de La Salle in Bogotá, contains a single specimen of a Leptotyphlops which I am unable to ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Caldasia. -
A new snake of the genus hydrops from colombia
While in Popayán recently Mr. F. C. Lehmann showed me the snakes in his care in the collection of the University of Cauca. Among them was a Hydrops which was taken in swampy terrain in the vicinity of the city (1760 m.) ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Caldasia. -
A new species of acamptopoeum from colombia (hymenoptera: andrenidae: panurginae)
A new species of the panurginae bee genus Acamptopoeum (Andrenidae:Calliopsini), from a xeric highland area in the Eastern Andes of Colombia is describedand illustrated. Acamptopoeum fernandezi sp. nov., can be recognized ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Caldasia. -
A new species of broad-headed eleutherodactylus from the cordillera occidental of colombia (amphibia, leptodactylidae)
Se describe Eleutherodactylus cadenai sp. nov. de las selvas de la vertiente occidental de la Cordillera Occidental de Colombia (corregimiento .de Murrí, Municipio de Frontino, Antioquia). La especie parece tener un ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Caldasia. -
A new species of carebara from the philippines with notes and comments on the systematics of the carebara genus group (hymenoptera: formicidae: myrmicinae)
A new myrmicine ant species from the Philippines, Carebara alperti n. sp., isdescribed with taxonomic notes about the genus. The new species is congruent withthe genus defi nition proposed recently by Fernández (2004). The ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Caldasia. -
A new species of castilleja (orobanchaceae) from the páramos of the colombian eastern cordillera, with comments on its association with plantago rigida (plantaginaceae)
Castilleja paramensis F. González and amp; Pabón-Mora, a perennial species of small herbs from páramos of Santander, Boyacá and Cundinamarca, in the Colombian Eastern Cordillera, is described and fully illustrated by ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Caldasia. -
A new species of chlerogas from the andes of central colombia (hymenoptera: halictidae)
Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Caldasia.