Now showing items 953-972 of 1620

    • Laminar burning velocity of natural gas/syngas-air mixture 

      Cardona Medina, César Augusto; Amell Arrieta, Andrés Adolfo; Burbano Martínez, Hugo Javier
      This study suggests the equimolar mixture of Natural Gas (100% CH4) and Synthesis Gas (40% H2 + 40% CO + 20% CO2) as an alternative to reduce hydrocarbons consumption and reduce pollutant emissions. As a key parameter to ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Dyna. 
    • Landmine detection technologies to face the demining problem in antioquia 

      Cardona Rendón, Lorena; Jiménez Builes, Jovani Alberto; Vanegas Molina, Nelson Antonio
      This paper presents a review of existing landmine detection techniques. The review is made with an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of each technique in relation to the landmine detection problem in Antioquia, which ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Dyna. 
    • Lattice-boltzmann method applied to the pattern formation on periodic surface structures generated by multiline nanosecond laser 

      Fonseca-Fonseca, Frank Rodolfo; Alfonso-Orjuela, José Edgar; Andrade, Darío Fernando
      We simulated the pattern formation on silicon surfaces. For this purpose, we used Lattice-Boltzmann method assuming two non-ideal interacting fluids using a lattice velocity D2Q9. The experiment was carried out with a ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Dyna. 
    • Learning manager for remote experimentation with optoelectronic devices 

      García-Cedeño, Duván Fernando; Bernal Noreña, Álvaro
      Both the Internet and communications and information technology (ICT), are making a valuable contribution to education. Remote experimentation is an example of the contribution that becomes as a solution to various ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Dyna. 
    • Levitación magnética en fluidos de alta viscosidad y densidad 

      Rondón, Eliana; Carrillo Escobar, Julio César; Correa Cely, Carlos Rodrigo
      Este artículo describe el diseño de un sistema prototipo de levitador magnético que opera sumergido en un aceite dieléctrico de viscosidad y densidad sustancialmente superior a la del aire. Se implementó un compensador de ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Dyna. 
    • Libro de trabajo digital, un modelo para apoyar la colaboración 

      Collazos Ordóñez, César Alberto; Claros G., Iván Dario; Guerrero, Luís A.
      Partiendo de la inquietud por desarrollar nuevas herramientas para el soporte a la colaboración en los entornos educativos actuales, este artículo presenta la arquitectura y resultados experimentales de un conjunto de ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Dyna. 
    • Liquefaction susceptibility assessment and study of "La Luciana" tailings dam fault (Spain, 1960) based on historical documents 

      Fernández-Naranjo, Francisco Javier; Rodríguez, Virginia; Rodríguez, Roberto; Alberruche, María Esther; Arranz, Julio Cesar; Vadillo, Lucas
      On 17 August, 1960 the biggest disaster by death toll in Spain, related with a tailings dam fault, took place in Reocín (Santander). The tailings dam "La Luciana" failed causing the death of eighteen people. After the ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Dyna. 
    • Liquid crystal relaxation in three dimensions: the effect of hydrodynamic interactions 

      Gettelfinger, Brian T.; Hung, Fransisco R.; Hernandez Ortiz, Juan P.; Guzman, Orlando; Rey, Alejandro D.; Abbott, Nicholas L.; de Pablo, Juan J.
      We investigate the relaxation of two line defects of opposite strength in a confined nematic liquidcrystal by solving the coupled tensor order parameter evolution and momentum balance equations in three dimensions. The ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Dyna. 
    • Lista de artículos publicados desde el n°141 al n°151 

      Dyna, Dyna
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Dyna. 
    • Literature review methodology for scientific and information management, through its structuring and systematization 

      Gómez-Luna, Eduardo; Navas, Diego Fernando; Aponte Mayor, Guillermo; Betancourt-Buitrago, Luís Andrés
      This paper presents a methodology to find, organize and analyze the information in any field of research, thereby facilitating the acquisition of the available information and the identification of the main authors, the ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Dyna. 
    • Límites de velocidad y distancia en la transmisión de información por un enlace óptico de bajo costo con recuperación libre de ruido 

      Montoya-Castro, Santiago Abelardo; Herrera-Duran, Juan Mauricio; Barrera-Ramírez, John Fredy
      En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de la transmisión de información por una red de fibra óptica convencional de bajo costo. La información a transmitir se almacena en un código de respuesta rápida (código QR) y ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Dyna. 
    • Loads characterization using the instantaneous power tensor theory 

      Trujillo-Orozco, Odair Augusto; Garcés-Gómez, Yeison Alberto; Ustariz-Farfán, Armando Jaime; Cano-Plata, Eduardo Antonio
      This paper presents a novel methodology to characterize loads using the instantaneous power tensor theory in three-phase three-wire or four-wire systems. Tensor theory is based on the dyadic product between voltage and ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Dyna. 
    • Local anodic oxidation on silicon (100) substrates using atomic force microscopy 

      Ávila Bernal, Alba Graciela; Bonilla Osorio, Ruy Sebastián
      A characterization of local anodic oxidation using scanning probe microscopy is performed on a (100) silicon substrate. The formation of patterns varies as a function of voltage, humidity, and scanning speed. A set of ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Dyna. 
    • Local polynomial approximation and intersection of confidence intervals for removing noise of lightning electric field measurements 

      Rojas-Cubides, Herbert Enrique; Cortés-Guerrero, Camilo Andrés; Forero-Mejía, María Carolina
      Lightning electric field (LEF) measurements are aperiodic signals characterized by inherent noise of different sources, i.e., it is not possible to register a noise-free signal. In the last decade, the denoising of LEF ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Dyna. 
    • Localización de bifurcaciones deslizantes en un oscilador rotativo de doble leva 

      Arango López, Iván Darío; Taborda Giraldo, John Alexander; Olivar Tost, Gerard
      En este trabajo se analizan las bifurcaciones no suaves no convencionales también llamadas deslizantes en un sistema con múltiples límites de discontinuidad. El método de seguimiento de puntos singulares (SPT) es probado ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Dyna. 
    • Logistics process improvement of warehousing and picking in a colombian company textile sector 

      Díaz, Carlos Eduardo; Arias-Osorio, Javier
      This research considers the design problem of distribution center and picking in a Colombian textile company. Through a literature review, the methodology for the design of the facility that best adjusts the company for ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Dyna. 
    • Long term performance of existing portland cement concrete pavement sections – case study 

      Sargand, Shad M.; Vega-Posada, Carlos A.; Arboleda-Monsalve, Luís G.
      This paper presents the performance of seventeen rigid pavements made of Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) located in the State of Ohio, USA. The Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) testing method was used in a total of 58 km ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Dyna. 
    • Lossless compression of hyperspectral images with pre-byte processing and intra-bands correlation 

      Sarinova, Assiya; Zamyatin, Alexander; Cabral, Pedro
      This paper considers an approach to the compression of hyperspectral remote sensing data by an original multistage algorithm to increase the compression ratio using auxiliary data processing with its byte representation ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Dyna. 
    • Lottery scheduler for the Linux kernel 

      Mejia, Maria; Morales-Betancourt, Adriana; Patki, Tapasya
      This paper describes the design and implementation of Lottery Scheduling, a proportional-share resource management algorithm, on the Linux kernel. A new lottery scheduling class was added to the kernel and was placed between ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Dyna. 
    • Low-cost platform for the evaluation of single phase electromagnetic phenomena of power quality according to the IEEE 1159 standard 

      Diaz Rodriguez, Jorge Luis; Pabón Fernández, Luis David; Contreras Peña, Jorge Luis
      This paper presents the development of a data acquisition system and the evaluation of the electromagnetic phenomena associated with power quality according to the IEEE Standard 1159-1992 and applied to the particular case ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Dyna.