Browsing Earth Sciences Research Journal by Title
Now showing items 51-70 of 373
Biogeochemical and engineering characteristics of soils and groundwater around a dumpsite
An active dumpsite in Lagos Southwestern Nigeria was monitored to test the efficiency of natural attenuation in the reduction of contaminants by determining biogeochemical and engineering properties of soils and groundwater ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Earth Sciences Research Journal. -
Cambios de las anomalías magnéticas de campo total debidos a las variaciones de la inclinación y de la declinación
En este trabajo se plantea un método para rotar datos magnéticos, con el fin de reducir a las mismas condiciones, datos muestreados en diferentes épocas. EI proceso se realiza en el dominio de la frecuencia, teniendo como ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Earth Sciences Research Journal. -
Cambios temporales del valor de b: ¿posibles correlaciones con la actividad hidrotermal del volcán tungurahua?
EI volcán Tungurahua, localizado en la Cordillera Real del Ecuador, se encuentra desde septiembre de 1999 en estado eruptivo. Mediante el método de máxima verosimilitud con ventanas de 100 eventos sobrelapadas el 50%, se ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Earth Sciences Research Journal. -
Caracterización de depósitos de suelo utilizando geo-radar
La técnica del geo-radar, o G.P.R. por su sigla en inglés (Ground Penetrating Radar), es una forma de prospección del subsuelo utilizando ondas electromagnéticas con frecuencias entre 10 y 1200 Mhz. Una imagen de geo-radar ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Earth Sciences Research Journal. -
Caracterización preliminar de la susceptibilidad sísmica en el entorno de la localidad de sampacho, córdoba, argentina
La localidad de Sampacho, situada en el Departamento Rio Cuarto, Provincia de Córdoba, centro de la Republica Argentina, se encuentra emplazada en una región de intraplaca con probada actividad sísmica histórica y actual, ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Earth Sciences Research Journal. -
Case Study of the Characteristics and Dynamic Process of July 10, 2013, Catastrophic Debris Flows in Wenchuan County, China
The Wenchuan earthquake of May 12, 2008, generated a significant amount of loose solid material that can produce devastating debris flows. In the five years since the earthquake, there have been many large-scale individual ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Earth Sciences Research Journal. -
Casos históricos colombianos del registro de anomalías del radón-222 antes de eventos sísmicos de naturaleza tectónica
Desde el año de 1995 se han estado realizando mediciones continuas de las emisiones del isótopo radiactivo Radón-222 en los suelos de los volcanes Galeras y nevado del Ruiz, y sobre fallas activas en los departamentos de ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Earth Sciences Research Journal. -
Caving Depth Classification by Feature Extraction in Cuttings Images
The estimation of caving depth is of particular interest in the oil industry. During the drilling process, the rock classification problem is studied to analyze the concentration of cuttings at the vibrating shale shakers ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Earth Sciences Research Journal. -
Characterization of Band-E Narges magnetite iron ore for mineral processing
The Band-e Narges deposit is located about 70 km northeast of the city of Badrud, northern Isfahan province. Band-E Narges ore deposit is mining for magnetite. To release valuable minerals, crushing and grinding implemented ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Earth Sciences Research Journal. -
Characterization of vermiculite by xrd and spectroscopic techniques
A natural mineral from Santa Marta-Colombia used as the starting material in the synthesis of pillared clays has been characterized by several techniques, including X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence, electronic ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Earth Sciences Research Journal. -
Chemical Characteristics of Groundwater and Its Spatial Distribution in Urban area of Zhumadian City
It is vital for analyzing groundwater chemical characteristics to develop, manage and protect groundwater resources. Hydrogeochemistry simulation, graphic method, and other methods are applied to analyze 22 pieces of ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Earth Sciences Research Journal. -
Classification of cut slopes in weathered meta-sedimentary bedrocks
In order of abundance, the meta-sedimentary rocks along Pos Selim Highway in Perak state Malaysia comprise quartz mica schist, graphitic schist, and quartzite layers. Field investigations revealed that these meta-sedimentary ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Earth Sciences Research Journal. -
Climate variability and its impacts on runoff in the kosasthaliyar sub-basin, india
Research on the effect of climate variability/climate change on rainfall-runoff modeling is limited in humid tropical regions. Climate change has implications beyond the water resources sector, such as effects on agriculture ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Earth Sciences Research Journal. -
Clustering on dissimilarity representations for detecting mislabelled seismic signals at nevado del ruiz volcano
Classification of seismic signals at Colombian volcanoes has been carried out manually by visual inspection. In order to reduce the workload for the seismic analysts and to turn classification reliableand objective, the ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Earth Sciences Research Journal. -
Communication regarding the geology and vertebrate palaeontology of the adamantina formation (bauru group, upper cretaceous) in campina verde, minas gerais state, brazil
Several geological events occurred onthe surface of the earth with the division of the megacontinent Gondwana, including volcanic activity involving extensive lava flows, thus locally and regionally altering the surface's ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Earth Sciences Research Journal. -
Compaction and Collapse Characteristics of Dune Sand Stabilized with Lime-Silica Fume Mix
The purpose of this research is to assess the suitability of dune sands as construction materials. Moreover, such a goal is considered beneficial in determining appropriate methods for soil stabilization or ground improvement ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Earth Sciences Research Journal. -
Comparative evaluation of the influencing effects of geomagnetic solar storms on earthquakes in anatolian peninsula
Earthquakes are tectonic events that take place within the fractures of the earth's crust, namely faults. Above certain scale, earthquakes can result in widespread fatalities and substantial financial loss. In addition to ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Earth Sciences Research Journal. -
Comparison between Numerical and Analytical Analysis of the Dynamic Behavior of Circular Tunnels
Dynamic behavior of underground structures is controlled by the strain field imposed by wave propagation and by the interaction between rock mass and structures. Shear and pressure waves propagating in the plane of the ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Earth Sciences Research Journal. -
Composition of biotite within the wushan granodiorite, jiangxi province, china: petrogenetic and metallogenetic implications
The Wushan skarn copper deposit is genetically associated with the Wushan granodiorite. In this study, we investigate the petrography and mineralogy of biotites within the Wushan granodiorite. We also determine the formation ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Earth Sciences Research Journal. -
Compositional and petrogenetic features of schistose rocks of ibadan area, southwestern nigeria
Amphibole and quartz schist which occur in association with migmatite gneiss, granitic gneiss and Pan African Older Granitebodies around Ibadan area, southwestern Nigeria, were studied with a view to elucidate their ...Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Earth Sciences Research Journal.