Itens para a visualização no momento 1-10 of 406
Entrevista con olga lucía lópez jaramillo
(Trabajo Social, 2009)
Olga Lucía López Jaramillo desarrolló junto con Beatriz María Molina Vélez —quien falleció recientemente— un trabajo pionero en el campo de la salud mental y en el desarrollo del trabajo social en Colombia.
The self and the other in the constitution of identity: disengaged children and teenagers from the armed conflict
(Trabajo Social, 2008)
This paper presents a reflection on the need to understand how the armed conflict affects the processes of constitution of identity on children and teenagers who have taken part in the armed groups in confrontation, and ...
The context: reflections into seven local experiences on popular education in colombia
(Trabajo Social, 2008)
The concept context is taken for granted in social researches as well as in social projects reports, so it is not usually a topic to reflect on. This situation has lead to assume it in multiple ways: like an account of ...
Ideas for teaching about the nature of the social work: an experience from costa rica
(Trabajo Social, 2008)
This article highlights some of the main changes in the study and teaching of the Social Work in Latin America, as well as its implications for research and professional education, according to the experience of the School ...
Desarrollo económico comunitario como estrategia para enfrentar la pobreza
(Trabajo Social, 2008)
Este artículo presenta la acción del trabajo social en relación con la pobreza. Busca esclarecer los modos de intervención profesional con las personas y las comunidades empobrecidas. Hace referencia a los enfoques históricos, ...
Family policies in colombia: nuances and approaches
(Trabajo Social, 2008)
This article is about the different approaches to “family policy” in Colombia, emphasizing on their different approaches and their relation to the particular social contexts on which their development occurs. The analysis ...
(Trabajo Social, 2008)
La cooperación internacional como instrumento complementario de promoción al desarrollo
(Trabajo Social, 2008)
Este artículo aborda el tema de la cooperación internacional como un instrumento complementario de promoción al desarrollo y presenta una reflexión sobre el proceso de gestión de los proyectos de cooperación, leídos como ...
Youngsters, law-breaking and educational practices: paradoxes of the biopolitics and social control
(Trabajo Social, 2008)
This article helps to understand the current forms of government on young people in Bogotá, particularly on those young offenders of the law, who are subjects to be controlled through a series of rehabilitation programs, ...
Entrevista con yvan comeau
(Trabajo Social, 2008)
Entrevista realizada por Gloria E. Leal Leal, profesora del Departamento de Trabajo Social, a nombre del Comité Editorial. Bogotá, 28 de octubre de 2008. Traducción a cargo de Claudia Mosquera, profesora del Departamento ...