Alcaloides aporfínicos con actividad antituberculosa aislados de Ocotea discolor Kunth (Lauraceae)
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La tuberculosis causa miles de muertes a nivel mundial y que, actualmente, los fármacos usados no son suficientes y en ocasiones son obsoletos para su tratamiento, se hace necesaria la búsqueda de nuevos compuestos que ayuden a combatirla. Por tanto, se evaluó la actividad antituberculosis de los alcaloides ocoxilonina (1), ocoteina (2), dicentrina (3) y 1,2-metilendioxi-3, 10,11-trimetoxiaporfina (4), aislados de la madera de Ocotea discolor. Las estructuras fueron identificadas por medio del análisis de los datos espectroscópicos de resonancia magnética nuclear (NMR 1D – 1H, 13C, 2D – COSY, HSQC y HMBC), espectros de masas y comparación con datos de la literatura. Todos los compuestos aislados demostraron actividad antituberculosa, con un rango de variación en la concentración mínima inhibitoria entre 140 y 310 μM, siendo la ocoteina (2) la más activo contra la cepa virulenta de Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv.Summary
Tuberculosis disease causes thousands of deaths worldwide and, currently, the used drugs are either not enough or obsolete for its treatment. Therefore, new compounds that combat this disease are been seek. Thus, the antituberculosis activity of the alkaloids ocoxilonine (1), ocoteine (2), dicentrine (3) and 1,2-methylenedioxy-3,10,11-trimethoxyaporphine (4), isolated from Ocotea discolor wood was evaluated. Their structures were identified by analysis of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic data (NMR 1D – 1H, 13C, 2D – COSY, HSQC and HMBC), mass spectra, and comparison with literature data. All the isolated compounds demonstrated antituberculosis activity, with ocoteine (2) being the most active compound, with a minimum inhibitory concentration value of 140 μM against the virulent strain Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv. All the isolated compounds showed antituberculosis activity, with a variation range in the minimum inhibitory concentration between 140 to 310 μM, being ocoteine (2) the most active compound against the virulent strain Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv.Keywords