Caracterización del nivel de resistencia y mecanismos a insecticidas en larvas y adultos de aedes (stegomyia) aegypti, linnaeus 1762, en los municipios de victoria, Viterbo, Marquetalia y La Dorada, departamento de Caldas
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Introducción: el uso abusivo de los insecticidas en la frecuencia de aplicación de los productos cuando no es necesario, tiene repercusiones en la eficacia de los mismos, debido a que se puede ver afectado por el desarrollo de resistencia de las poblaciones naturales de sus vectores. Esta resistencia es uno de los problemas más graves que afectan los programas de control de enfermedades transmitidas por vectores, pero ante una situación de brote o epidemia, el programa de control debe aplicar insecticidas químicos para reducir rápidamente la población de mosquitos adultos, probablemente infectados, y así reducir el riesgo de transmisión del dengue. La Organización Mundial de la Salud estima que aproximadamente el 40% de los 506 artrópodos de importancia médica han mostrado algún grado de resistencia a insecticidas. De estas especies de importancia médica, cerca del 50% son especies de mosquitos, los cuales son vectores de malaria, dengue y filariasis: Anopheles, Aedes y Culex (Fonseca et al. 2005). En una investigación realizada por la Universidad Nacional en el municipio de La Dorada, departamento de Caldas, durante el 2006 y 2007 se evidenció resistencia al temephos de 13,27 y 11,48 grados en Las Ferias y Las Margaritas respectivamente y susceptibilidad a la deltametrina, malathion, fenitrothion y pirimiphos metil en estas localidades y en el municipio de Chinchiná (Herrera et al. 2007). Objetivo: investigar el estado de la susceptibilidad del Aedes aegypti a cinco insecticidas (un piretroide y cuatro organofosforados) en cinco localidades del departamento del Caldas priorizados por la Secretaria Departamental de Salud, además analizar si existen mecanismos de resistencia expresados, con el fin de actualizar el estado de resistencia a los insecticidas y dar herramientas que orienten de una forma adecuada las medidas de control que actualmente se llevan en el departamento para el control del dengue. Metodología: se realizaron pruebas biológicas con la metodología OMS y CDC en larvas y adultos de Ae. aegypti respetivamente para estimar el nivel de resistencia a cinco insecticidas y el desarrollo de pruebas bioquímicas para la identificación de los mecanismos de resistencia en las poblaciones que presentaron GR 5 al temephos. Resultados: las poblaciones de Viterbo, Marquetalia y Las Ferias presentaron GR menores a 5 con valores que oscilaron entre 0,75 y 4,75 compatibles con susceptibilidad. Las poblaciones de Las Margaritas y Victoria, presentaron GR mayores a 5, con valores que fluctuaron entre 5,525 y 5,61 correspondientes a una resistencia incipiente o moderada. Se logró la reversión de la resistencia al temephos en condiciones de laboratorio de las poblaciones Las Margaritas y Victoria en cinco generaciones. Los resultados de las pruebas biológicas con botellas CDC a los insecticidas deltametrina, malathion, fenitrothion mostraron susceptibilidad a cada uno de los insecticidas. Las Ferias, Las Margaritas y Victoria reportaron una susceptibilidad alterada al pirimiphos methil por presentar porcentajes de mortalidad intermedia (80 - 98 %), las poblaciones de los municipios Marquetalia y Viterbo mostraron resultados compatibles con susceptibilidad. No se identificaron alteraciones de la actividad enzimática para las α, β y PNPA – Esterasas y OFM en las poblaciones evaluadas (Las Margaritas y Victoria). Conclusiones: El temephos puede continuar utilizándose para controlar las formas larvarias en situaciones epidémicas de dengue en cada una de las localidades evaluadas, ya que mostraron GR bajos (Viterbo, Marquetalia y Las Ferias) y una disminución o reversión de la resistencia para las localidades que presentaron GR medios (Las Margaritas y Victoria). Se observó una reversión de la resistencia al temephos en campo en tres años, pasando de GR altos a GR medios y obtener la reversión en laboratorio en 5 generaciones pasando de GR medios a GR bajos. La estimación de los GR es muy importante porque nos permite caracterizar la resistencia de manera más precisa. La deltametrina, el malathion, el fenitrothion y el pirimiphos metil pueden utilizarse en las poblaciones evaluadas para controlar las formas adultas de Ae. aegypti en situaciones epidémicas de dengue. / Abstract. Introduction: the abusive use of insecticides in the frequency of application of products when no is necessary, has an impact on their efficacy because they can be affected by the development of resistance in natural populations of vectors. This resistance is one of the most serious problems affecting control programs of vector-borne diseases, but in a situation of an outbreak or epidemic, the control program must apply chemical insecticides to rapidly reduce the adult mosquito population, probably infected and reduce the risk of dengue transmission. The World Health Organization estimates that approximately 40% of the 506 medically important arthropods have shown some degree of resistance to insecticides. Of these species of medical importance, about 50% are species of mosquitoes, which are vectors of malaria, dengue and filariasis: Anopheles, Aedes and Culex (Fonseca et al. 2005). In a study by the National University in the municipality of La Dorada, Caldas department, during 2006 and 2007 showed resistance to temephos of 13.27 and 11.48 degrees Las Ferias and Las Margaritas, respectively, and susceptibility to deltamethrin, malathion, fenitrothion and pirimiphos methyl in these localities and the municipality of Chinchiná (Herrera et al. 2007). Objective: To investigate the susceptibility state of Aedes aegypti to five insecticide (a pyrethroid and four organophosphate) in five locations in the department of Caldas prioritized by the Department of Health Secretary also consider whether there are mechanisms of resistance expressed in order to update the state of insecticide resistance provide tools to guide a appropriate manner the control measures are currently being in the department for control of dengue. Methodology: bioassays WHO and CDC were performed in larvae and adults of Ae. aegypti to estimate the level of resistance to five insecticides and the development of microplates assay for identification of resistance mechanisms in populations of Ae. aegypti showed RR 5 to temephos. Results: The populations of Ae. aegypti of Viterbo, Marquetalia and Las Ferias RR showed smaller than 5 with values that oscillated between 0.75 and 4.75 consistent with susceptibility. The population of Las Margaritas and Victoria, RR showed more than 5, with values that fluctuated between 5.525 and 5.61 for early or moderate resistance. Was achieved reversal of resistance to temephos in laboratory populations of Las Margaritas and Victoria in five generations. The results of bioassays with bottles of insecticide deltamethrin, malathion, fenitrothion showed susceptibility to each insecticide. Las Ferias, Las Margaritas and Victoria reported an altered susceptibility to pirimiphos methil to present intermediate mortality rates (80 - 98%), the populations of the municipalities Marquetalia and Viterbo showed results consistent with susceptibility. We did not identify alterations of enzyme activity for α, β PNPA - Esterases and OFM populations evaluated (Las Margaritas and Victoria). Conclusions: The temephos can still be used to control the larval forms of Aedes aegypti of dengue in epidemic situations in each of the locations evaluated, as it showed lower to GR (Viterbo, Marquetalia and Las Ferias) and a decrease or reversal of resistance to the locations to GR showed means (Las Margaritas and Victoria). Was observed reversal of resistance to temephos in field in three years, from RR high to RR middle and get the reversal in the laboratory in 5 generations from RR middle to RR low. The estimation of to RR is very important because it allows us to characterize more precisely resistance. Deltamethrin, malathion, fenitrothion and pirimiphos the methyl can be used in the evaluated populations to control the adult forms of Ae. aegypti in dengue epidemic situations.Abstract
/ Abstract. Introduction: the abusive use of insecticides in the frequency of application of products when no is necessary, has an impact on their efficacy because they can be affected by the development of resistance in natural populations of vectors. This resistance is one of the most serious problems affecting control programs of vector-borne diseases, but in a situation of an outbreak or epidemic, the control program must apply chemical insecticides to rapidly reduce the adult mosquito population, probably infected and reduce the risk of dengue transmission. The World Health Organization estimates that approximately 40% of the 506 medically important arthropods have shown some degree of resistance to insecticides. Of these species of medical importance, about 50% are species of mosquitoes, which are vectors of malaria, dengue and filariasis: Anopheles, Aedes and Culex (Fonseca et al. 2005). In a study by the National University in the municipality of La Dorada, Caldas department, during 2006 and 2007 showed resistance to temephos of 13.27 and 11.48 degrees Las Ferias and Las Margaritas, respectively, and susceptibility to deltamethrin, malathion, fenitrothion and pirimiphos methyl in these localities and the municipality of Chinchiná (Herrera et al. 2007). Objective: To investigate the susceptibility state of Aedes aegypti to five insecticide (a pyrethroid and four organophosphate) in five locations in the department of Caldas prioritized by the Department of Health Secretary also consider whether there are mechanisms of resistance expressed in order to update the state of insecticide resistance provide tools to guide a appropriate manner the control measures are currently being in the department for control of dengue. Methodology: bioassays WHO and CDC were performed in larvae and adults of Ae. aegypti to estimate the level of resistance to five insecticides and the development of microplates assay for identification of resistance mechanisms in populations of Ae. aegypti showed RR 5 to temephos. Results: The populations of Ae. aegypti of Viterbo, Marquetalia and Las Ferias RR showed smaller than 5 with values that oscillated between 0.75 and 4.75 consistent with susceptibility. The population of Las Margaritas and Victoria, RR showed more than 5, with values that fluctuated between 5.525 and 5.61 for early or moderate resistance. Was achieved reversal of resistance to temephos in laboratory populations of Las Margaritas and Victoria in five generations. The results of bioassays with bottles of insecticide deltamethrin, malathion, fenitrothion showed susceptibility to each insecticide. Las Ferias, Las Margaritas and Victoria reported an altered susceptibility to pirimiphos methil to present intermediate mortality rates (80 - 98%), the populations of the municipalities Marquetalia and Viterbo showed results consistent with susceptibility. We did not identify alterations of enzyme activity for α, β PNPA - Esterases and OFM populations evaluated (Las Margaritas and Victoria). Conclusions: The temephos can still be used to control the larval forms of Aedes aegypti of dengue in epidemic situations in each of the locations evaluated, as it showed lower to GR (Viterbo, Marquetalia and Las Ferias) and a decrease or reversal of resistance to the locations to GR showed means (Las Margaritas and Victoria). Was observed reversal of resistance to temephos in field in three years, from RR high to RR middle and get the reversal in the laboratory in 5 generations from RR middle to RR low. The estimation of to RR is very important because it allows us to characterize more precisely resistance. Deltamethrin, malathion, fenitrothion and pirimiphos the methyl can be used in the evaluated populations to control the adult forms of Ae. aegypti in dengue epidemic situations.Keywords
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