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dc.rights.licenseAtribución-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional
dc.contributor.authorRengifo Lozano, Francisco
dc.description.abstractResumen La imposibilidad de formalización del acto analítico hace síntoma en las instituciones psicoanalíticas. El final relativo del análisis confronta al sujeto con aquello que podemos caracterizar como lo fundamental de su existencia, como el resultado de un saber agujereado, el lugar mismo de la ignorancia. Situado en ese lugar de la ignorancia, el analista no tiene otra alternativa que continuar en el didactismo de La Cosa, es decir que, tanto en la práctica como en el trabajo de grupo, la tentativa de cernir La Cosa (como aquello radicalmente perdido) es el punto de fuego vivo que estamos llamados a atizar continuamente, como la única vía posible para confrontar las preguntas que se derivan del enigma que introduce el inconsciente en la cultura. Palabras clave: paso al acto, acto del analista, formación, pase, garantía, síntoma, fantasma, Das Ding. The “training” of the analyst and its symptomatic vicissitudes Abstract The impossibility of formalizing the analytic act generates a symptom in psychoanalytic institutions. The relative end of analysis makes the subject face what we can describe as the most fundamental of his existence, as the result of a gapped knowledge, the very locus of ignorance. Placed in this locus of ignorance, the analyst has no alternative but to continue the didacticism of Das Ding. This means that, both in practice and in group work, the attempt to seize Das Ding (as that which is radically lost) is the red hot point that we are called to keep ablaze continuously, as the only possible way of facing the questions that derive from the puzzle that introduces the unconscious into culture. Keywords: passage to act, analyst’s act, training, passage, guarantee, symptom, ghost, Das Ding. The “training” of the analyst and its symptomatic vicissitudes Abstract The impossibility of formalizing the analytic act generates a symptom in psychoanalytic institutions. The relative end of analysis makes the subject face what we can describe as the most fundamental of his existence, as the result of a gapped knowledge, the very locus of ignorance. Placed in this locus of ignorance, the analyst has no alternative but to continue the didacticism of Das Ding. This means that, both in practice and in group work, the attempt to seize Das Ding (as that which is radically lost) is the red hot point that we are called to keep ablaze continuously, as the only possible way of facing the questions that derive from the puzzle that introduces the unconscious into culture. Keywords: passage to act, analyst’s act, training, passage, guarantee, symptom, ghost, Das Ding.
dc.relation.ispartofUniversidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Desde el Jardín de Freud - Revista de Psicoanálisis
dc.relation.ispartofDesde el Jardín de Freud - Revista de Psicoanálisis
dc.relation.ispartofseriesDesde el Jardín de Freud Revista de Psicoanálisis; núm. 9 (2009): «ACTOS»; 193-206 2256-5477 1657-3986
dc.rightsDerechos reservados - Universidad Nacional de Colombia
dc.titleLa “formación” del analista y sus avatares sintomáticos
dc.typeArtículo de revista
dc.relation.referencesRengifo Lozano, Francisco (2009) La “formación” del analista y sus avatares sintomáticos. Desde el Jardín de Freud Revista de Psicoanálisis; núm. 9 (2009): «ACTOS»; 193-206 2256-5477 1657-3986 .

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