• Glossary of plants, animals and expressions 

      Echeverri, Juan Alvaro; Candre Yamacuri, Anastasia
      This glossary contains the biological identifications of plants and animals, and the definitions of terms and expressions in Witoto or local Spanish, that are mentioned in the texts “Do you want to know who Anastasia Candre ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Mundo Amazonico. 
    • Gravidez na adolescência e o acesso às Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação na Amazônia 

      Brito, Silvana Rossy; Silva, Aleksandra S.; Cruz, Adejard G.; Barroso, Regina F. F.; Monteiro, Maurílio A.; Costa, João C.W.A.; Francês, Carlos R.L.
      Objetivo: Analisar a associação entre o acesso à informação, através da posse de computador com Internet nos domicílios e a gravidez na adolescência, tomando por referência os municípios da Amazônia legal brasileira em ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Mundo Amazonico. 
    • Habitat, population structure and community consume of podocnemis unifilis and p. expansa (testudines: podocnemididae ) turtles in curare-los ingleses reserve, la pedrera, amazonas, colombia 

      Figueroa, Ilba Carolina; Fachín-Terán, Augusto; Duque, Santiago Roberto
      Habitat, population structure and consume of these resources by indigenous communities are determining factors for management and conservation of amazonian chelonians. The objectives of this research were: to identify the ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Mundo Amazonico. 
    • Henrique joão wilkens: a pioneer poet in the amazonia 

      Góis, Sales Marciel
      This literary biographical article deals with the life and work of Henrique João Wilkens, author of the first epic poem written in the Amazon, Muhuraida ou, O triunfo da fé (Muhuraida or The Triumph of the Faith), of 1785. ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Mundo Amazonico. 
    • Historia de la coca 

      Román Enokakuiodo, Oscar; Echeverri, Juan Alvaro
      Esta es la transcripción en lengua uitoto (dialecto mɨnɨka) con su traducción al español de una grabación de 24 minutos, realizada el 28 de octubre de 2003 por Oscar Román, anciano uitoto de la región de Araracuara ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Mundo Amazonico. 
    • History of my father mogorotoɨ ‘blue macaw’: words of the ritual of the fruits, which come to us as food in abundance, as told by the okaina ethnic group 

      Candre, Anastasia
      Bilingual Witoto-Spanish text about the origin and stages of the yuakɨ ritual dance (ritual of the fruits), which is celebrated by the Witoto and other neighboring groups of the Caqueta-Putumayo interriverine region in the ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Mundo Amazonico. 
    • El hombre-canasto 

      López-Hernández, Miguelángel Epeeyüi
      El concepto 'Canasto' se asume en tanto es virtud de ser lenguaje espacio-tiempo, que configura el origen (... del mundo) en el hacer de la vida. La construcción humana en la cotidianidad, en el espacio común colectivo, ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Mundo Amazonico. 
    • I dream of having a large truck to put everybody inside and spend a month in one village, another month in another, to create a collective culture 

      Esbell, Jaider
      Jaider Esbell, artist of the Macuxi people of Rio Branco in the state of Roraima (Brazil), address the subject of the creative experience in indigenous communities. The collective project “The reinvention of time in the ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Mundo Amazonico. 
    • I have painted about how the beings can transform themselves 

      Casanto, Enrique
      The paintings of Enrique Casanto, ashaninka from the Orchid clan, make you see double because they show that everything that exists has its double. Everything is at the same time human and not-human, including himself and ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Mundo Amazonico. 
    • I keep turning the sound into being 

      Yahuarcani, Santiago
      From a mischievous child to a painter of sounds, Santiago Yahuarcani´s testimony is moving because of its sense of humor and its unusual route. His solitary childhood experiments with some mushrooms he found on the way to ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Mundo Amazonico. 
    • I want to return to the muyuna, the whirlpool of my origins 

      Taricuarima, Pablo
      In his paintings of fishes and fishermen, Pablo Taricuarima portrays the daily triumphs and resignations of his mother, father, brothers and uncles, a family of the Cocama people whose life comes and flows with the colors ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Mundo Amazonico. 
    • Impactos de los procesos políticos nacionales en las iniciativas organizativas de las mujeres piaroa en la amazonia colombo-venezolana 

      Rosado Cárdenas, Vivian Paulina
      Este artículo analiza la incidencia que tienen los procesos políticos nacionales en la frontera colombo-venezolana sobre las iniciativas organizativas de las mujeres indígenas piaroa que habitan el curso medio del río ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Mundo Amazonico. 
    • In this way it was begun to teach, to get the figure of what is known 

      Rodríguez, Abel
      Abel Rodriguez tells us how his painting is inscribed within the process of reactualization of the cosmic creation narrated in Nonuya oral history. Such a reactualization is carried out daily, beginning by the night-time ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Mundo Amazonico. 
    • Indigenous views of the university: statements of indigenous students of the acre federal university, brazil 

      Manchineri, Alana Keline Costa S.; Jr., Jefferson Saady; Petilk, Josias; Manchineri, Soleane de Souza Brasil; Manchineri, Wendel Ricardo de Souza Brasil; Manchineri, Alessandra Severino da Silva
      This piece presents the experience of several indigenous students of the Acre Federal University (ufac), in Brazil, as university students and Brazilian citizens. These statements were written by the members of the ufac’s ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Mundo Amazonico. 
    • Interacciones transfronterizas y salud en la frontera brasil-colombia-perú 

      Suárez-Mutis, Martha Cecilia; Mora Cárdenas, Claudia Mercedes; Perez Reyes, Ligia del Pilar; Peiter, Paulo Cesar
      La triple frontera Brasil-Colombia-Perú tiene una población de más de cien mil personas; al menos una cuarta parte son indígenas (mayoritariamente tikuna) y el resto está conformado por población de la zona andina y algunos ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Mundo Amazonico. 
    • Intercultural interpretations about concepts of nutrition: body formation among the tikuna indians of the colombian amazon trapeze 

      León Taborda, Ana María
      This paper approaches the indigenous perceptions about the formation of an infant body by the Tikuna Indians of San Martin de Amacayacu, who live in the south of the Colombian Amazon Trapeze. Indigenous concepts about ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Mundo Amazonico. 
    • Islândia: o florescimento da ilha peruana na fronteira 

      Souza, Alex Sandro Nascimento; Oliveira, José Aldemir
      A partir de uma perspectiva pautada na análise do cotidiano nas cidades de fronteira, apresenta-se breve estudo e reflexões sobre Islândia no Peru. Localizada precisamente às margens do rio Javari no lado oposto a Benjamin ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Mundo Amazonico. 
    • Jaɨeni Jitoma iaɨyinoɨ ikakɨ = Historia de los Huérfanos del Sol 

      Candre, Hipólito
      Este texto es la transcripción uitoto, dialecto mɨnɨka (con traducción al español), de la historia de los Huéfanos del Sol, Jitoma y Kechatoma, hijos de Monairue Jitoma (Sol del amanecer), según la mitología uitoto, ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Mundo Amazonico. 
    • Kaɨmakɨ guiye fɨnuafue: the preparation of the food of our people 

      Candre Yamacuri, Anastasia
      This bilingual (Witoto-Spanish) text contains three parts. The first part deals with the labor activities involved in the preparation of a horticultural garden (chagra): slashing, burning, selection of seeds, planting, ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Mundo Amazonico. 
    • Labrets: piercing and stretching on the northwest coast and in amazonia 

      Reddish, Jenny
      This article examines the practice of piercing and stretching the lip in order to accommodate a labret in two regions: the North American Northwest Coast (with historical examples from Tlingit and Haida groups) and lowland ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN Mundo Amazonico.