Itens para a visualização no momento 21-40 of 444

    • Promoting communication through the english day: an experience after studying an in-service course 

      Vega, Mercedes
      One of the main concerns I shared with other English teachers while taking an in-service course at the Universidad Nacional was that of providing opportunities for students to practice the language. Despite the difficulties ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN PROFILE Issues in Teachers' Professional Development. 
    • New labels for old problems: grammar in communicative language teaching 

      Poole, Alexander
      Communicative language teaching has long been controversial due to its lack of explicit grammar instruction. Focus on form instruction (Long, 1991), however, puts communication as the centerpiece of instruction, but addresses ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN PROFILE Issues in Teachers' Professional Development. 
    • From strengths to weaknesses: guiding students in their development of oral skills 

      Ariza Ariza, Judith Aleida
      This article intends to report on a small research project carried out with a group of adult EFL learners at the National University extension program, in Bogotá. Founded on a needs analysis process, some activities based ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN PROFILE Issues in Teachers' Professional Development. 
    • Editorial introduction 

      Cárdenas Beltrán, Melba Libia
      “Publishing is a way for members of the academic community to share ideas and possibly contribute something to the world’s store of knowledge. To publish is to engage in a dialogue with unseen and often unknown others”.
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN PROFILE Issues in Teachers' Professional Development. 
    • How teachers' attitudes and methodologies affect students' self-esteem as regards learning the english language. a case study with eighth graders 

      Sarmiento Pérez, Luz Brigith; Sanabria Herrera, Adriana
      A research project was conducted in a public high school in Bogotá, Colombia, with forty high school students of eighth grade. The main purpose of this research was to study teachers’ attitudes towards students and ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN PROFILE Issues in Teachers' Professional Development. 
    • Establishing cross-curricular links between science and english in ninth grade 

      Chala Bejarano, Pedro Antonio; Pedraza Leal, Diana Marcela
      For many years, English has been studied apart from the other subjects in nonbilingual centres, isolating it from other knowledge areas, underestimating its nature as a vehicle for communication. English has thus been ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN PROFILE Issues in Teachers' Professional Development. 
    • Reading aloud activities as a way to determine students’ narrative template 

      Álvarez Valencia, José Aldemar
      This article focuses on the description of a methodological innovation implemented in a beginner’s English class at university level in Bogotá, Colombia which had two aims: First, to explore the role of reading aloud ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN PROFILE Issues in Teachers' Professional Development. 
    • Elementary english language instruction: colombian teachers’ classroom practices 

      Cadavid Múnera, Isabel Cristina; McNulty, María; Quinchía Ortiz, Diana Isabel
      An in-progress ethnographic research project about teachers who are facing the complex task of teaching English to children in 7 public elementary schools in the metropolitan area of Medellin is presented in this article. ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN PROFILE Issues in Teachers' Professional Development. 
    • Key aspects for developing your instructional materials 

      Núñez Pardo, Astrid; Pineda Báez, Clelia; Téllez Téllez, María Fernanda
      This article describes crucial aspects that EFL teachers must consider for the elaboration of materials to support the instructional design component of their classes. It also emphasizes that language educators should not ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN PROFILE Issues in Teachers' Professional Development. 
    • Curricular units: powerful tools to connect the syllabus with students’ needs and interests 

      Ariza Ariza, Judith Aleida
      A basic component of any language program is the construction of the curriculum. There is a variety of approaches to curriculum planning and implementation from the technical production perspective to the critical view. ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN PROFILE Issues in Teachers' Professional Development. 
    • Ethnography in foreign language teaching 

      Huszti, Ilona
      The aim of the present article is to describe ethnography as a qualitative approach frequently applied in foreign language acquisition research (Pollard,1985; Smith, 1992; Robinson-Stuart and Nocon, 1996). Reviews of two ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN PROFILE Issues in Teachers' Professional Development. 
    • The hidden curriculum 

      Onatra, Amparo; Peña, Mireya
      This article shows the way hidden curriculum goes farther than just being the conscious and unconscious setting within the formal instruction context. It also shapes students personality and assigns to each individual the ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN PROFILE Issues in Teachers' Professional Development. 
    • Implicit and explicit teaching of grammar: an empirical study 

      Mendoza López, Edgar
      This is a report on the experimental phase of a two-stage study on the effects of implicit-explicit grammar instruction regarding EFL students’ performance. The purpose of this phase was to investigate whether the methodologies ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN PROFILE Issues in Teachers' Professional Development. 
    • Interactive communicative teaching and the young indian learner 

      Gupta, Deepti
      In classrooms where English is not the mother tongue and where age-old teaching methodology rules the roost, it is not easy to make changes, especially radical ones. This case study shows how these reforms can be self-defeating ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN PROFILE Issues in Teachers' Professional Development. 
    • Editorial introduction 

      Cárdenas Beltrán, Melba Libia
      “There is a lot of writing already published from classroom teachers across the world; many topics have been covered beautifully by teachers in the past. But we wouldn’t be encouraging you if we didn’t know that most ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN PROFILE Issues in Teachers' Professional Development. 
    • Using students’ analysis in teaching public speaking for business 

      Rizvi, M Ashraf
      This paper investigates a particular aspect of learner participation – students’ analysis (SA) in an oral communication program of an undergraduate business and commerce curriculum in Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN PROFILE Issues in Teachers' Professional Development. 
    • Teacher talking time in the efl classroom 

      Hitotuzi, Nilton
      This paper reports on a piece of classroom research, aiming to support the hypothesis that most of the talk in my English-as-a-foreign-language elementary and intermediate classrooms was done by the teacher, presumably ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN PROFILE Issues in Teachers' Professional Development. 
    • Current state of the teaching of process writing in efl classes: an observational study in the last two years of secondary school 

      Mendoza López, Edgar
      This study reports on the process writing activities carried out in EFL classes in the last two years of secondary school. Grades 10 and 11 in six Colombian high schools - three public and three private - were observed in ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN PROFILE Issues in Teachers' Professional Development. 
    • The process of writing a text by using cooperative learning 

      Aldana, Alexandra
      This research project was carried out in order to get ninth graders of the departamental school “El Tequendama” involved in their writing tasks and to improve their writing skills, following the process that a professional ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN PROFILE Issues in Teachers' Professional Development. 
    • Tasting teaching flavors: a group of student-teachers’ experiences in their practicum 

      Prada Castañeda, Liliana; Zuleta Garzón, Xatlí
      Student-teachers expect their experience in the practicum to show them what teaching truly involves. Most of them are willing to put into practice all the theories and concepts they have learned and to find out if these ...
      Universidad Nacional de Colombia Revistas electrónicas UN PROFILE Issues in Teachers' Professional Development.