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dc.rights.licenseAtribución-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional
dc.contributorAcevedo Gamboa, Helmer Rodolfo
dc.contributor.authorGarcía Mariaca, Alexander
dc.description.abstractEn esta investigación se llevaron a cabo pruebas de desempeño y emisiones especificas al freno de un motor de combustión interna encendido por compresión (MCI-EC) operando con mezclas de aceite y biodiesel de Jatropha Curcas L. (JCL) con diésel fósil de bajo contenido de azufre a diferentes condiciones de carga y velocidad rotacional. En las pruebas experimentales se midieron variables como torque, consumo especifico de combustible, eficiencia térmica al freno, eficiencia volumétrica, temperatura de gases de escape, emisiones de monóxido de carbono (CO), dióxido de carbono (CO2), óxidos de nitrógeno (NOx) y material particulado. Además, se realizó una evaluación del desgaste sufrido por el motor operando con las mezclas de JCL. Estas mediciones se realizaron con el objetivo de estudiar el comportamiento de un MCI-EC operando con un biocombustible de segunda generación como lo es la JCL. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que el torque y la eficiencia térmica al freno del MCI solo se reducen un 10 % cuando se opera el motor con mezclas de biodiesel de JCL en proporciones hasta del 7 % en volumen y con mezclas de aceite de JCL en proporciones hasta del 5 % y la eficiencia volumétrica se incrementa en promedio un 6 % tanto para las mezclas de aceite y biodiesel de JCL. Por otro lado se evidenció una reducción del material particulado con las mezclas de biodiesel de JCL con diésel siendo mayor este incremento con el aumento del porcentaje de biodiesel en la mezcla. Sin embargo, se presentaron aumentos del consumo específico de combustible de hasta un 20 % y de las emisiones de CO2 y NOx en 21 y 100 % respectivamente para todas las mezclas de los biocombustibles de JCL., Abstract: In this research, performance tests and break specific emissions were carried out on an internal combustion engine, specifically on a compression ignition engine (ICE-CI) working with mixtures of oil and biodiesel from Jatropha Curcas L. (JCL) with fossil diesel with low sulfur content, under different charge and rotational velocity conditions. These experimental tests measured variables as torque, specific fuel consumption, break specific efficiency, volumetric efficiency, exhaust gases temperature, emissions of carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate matter. Besides, on the engine a spoilage test was made when it was working with JCL mixtures. This test was made with the purpose of studying the behavior of an ICE-IC working with second generation fuels as JCL is. The obtained results show that the torque and break thermal effciency of the engine is only reduced by 10% when it is operated with mixtures of JCL biodiesel with up to 7% in volumen and with oil mixtures of JCL with up to 5% in volume. On the other hand, termal effciency rises up in average 6% for both oil mixtures and JCL biodiesel. In contrast, a reduction of the particulate matter is observed with mixtures of JCL biodiesel with fossil diesel but incrementing the biodiesel percentage in the mixture, that reduction was even greater. However, increased values, up to 20%, for specific fuel consumption were presented and for CO2 and NOx up to 21 and 100% respectively for every mixture of JCL biofuels
dc.description.abstractAbstract. In this research, performance tests and break specific emissions were carried out on an internal combustion engine, specifically on a compression ignition engine (ICE-CI) working with mixtures of oil and biodiesel from Jatropha Curcas L. (JCL) with fossil diesel with low sulfur content, under dfferent charge and rotational velocity conditions. These experimental tests measured variables as torque, specific fuel consumption, break specific efficiency, volumetric efficiency, exhaust gases temperature, emissions of carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate matter. Besides, on the engine a spoilage test was made when it was working with JCL mixtures. This test was made with the purpose of studying the behavior of an ICE-IC working with second generation fuels as JCL is. The obtained results show that the torque and break thermal efficiency of the engine is only reduced by 10% when it is operated with mixtures of JCL biodiesel with up to 7% in volume and with oil mixtures of JCL with up to 5% in volume. On the other hand, thermal efficiency rises up in average 6% for both oil mixtures and JCL biodiesel. In contrast, a reduction of the particulate matter is observed with mixtures of JCL biodiesel with fossil diesel but incrementing the biodiesel percentage in the mixture, that reduction was even greater. However, increased values, up to 20%, for specific fuel consumption were presented and for CO2 and NOx up to 21 and 100% respectively for every mixture of JCL biofuels.
dc.relation.ispartofUniversidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Bogotá Facultad de Ingeniería Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica y Mecatrónica Ingeniería Mecatrónica
dc.relation.ispartofIngeniería Mecatrónica
dc.rightsDerechos reservados - Universidad Nacional de Colombia
dc.subject.ddc62 Ingeniería y operaciones afines / Engineering
dc.titleEvaluación de desempeño y emisiones de un motor de trabajo pesado encendido por mompresión cuando es operado con biodiesel y aceite de Jatropha y Diesel Fósil
dc.typeTrabajo de grado - Maestría
dc.relation.referencesGarcía Mariaca, Alexander (2015) Evaluación de desempeño y emisiones de un motor de trabajo pesado encendido por mompresión cuando es operado con biodiesel y aceite de Jatropha y Diesel Fósil. Maestría thesis, Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Bogotá.
dc.subject.proposalMaterial particulado
dc.subject.proposalMotores de combustión interna
dc.subject.proposalParticulate material
dc.subject.proposalInternal combustion engines

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