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dc.rights.licenseAtribución-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional
dc.contributorSandino Del Busto, John William
dc.contributor.authorClavijo Jiménez, Luisa Fernanda
dc.description.abstractEl presente trabajo propone una secuencia didáctica dirigida a estudiantes de grado octavo de la I.E.D Domingo Savio, en el que se realiza un trabajo transversal entre matemáticas, música y física, con el fin de aprovechar las temáticas y habilidades que desarrollan la música y la física para afianzar en ellos los conceptos de proporcionalidad y manejo de números racionales.
dc.description.abstractAbstract: The present work proposes a didactic sequence directed to eighth degree students of the IED Domingo Savio, where a transversal work is carried out between mathematics, music and physics, in order to take advantage of the themes and skills that music and physics develop to strengthen the concepts of proportionality and management of rational numbers that have not been achieved correctly in this group of students. The above came up as an idea from the course of electromagnetism and waves seen in the master's degree in teaching in exact and natural sciences of the National University of Colombia, where the topic of acoustics was addressed and in it, the Pythagorean relations of proportionality between the musical notes, the length of the strings and sound pipes. For this purpose, the significant learning was taken as the pedagogical basis supported by the theory of project based learning and was evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively based on the design of three rubrics of evaluation that encompass the learning standards proposed by the Ministry of National Education for each of the subjects, evidencing the relevance and the effectiveness of this project. As a result several significant advances were obtained in the group, the first was the drastic change of attitude towards the mathematics class, in particular of the students who presented more difficulties, the second the appropriation of concepts from the three disciplines that exceeded expectations and finally the commitment to group work autonomously. As evidence of the advances, a group presentation was made where the students interpreted of music piece accompanied by wind instruments and string made by themselves and gave an explanation where the physical and mathematical concepts intervened that allowed them to understand their operation and elaborate said instruments.
dc.relation.ispartofUniversidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Bogotá Facultad de Ciencias Área curricular de Formación en Ciencias Maestría en Enseñanza de las Ciencias Exactas y Naturales
dc.relation.ispartofMaestría en Enseñanza de las Ciencias Exactas y Naturales
dc.relation.haspart5 Ciencias naturales y matemáticas / Science
dc.relation.haspart51 Matemáticas / Mathematics
dc.relation.haspart53 Física / Physics
dc.relation.haspart7 Las artes; Bellas artes y artes decorativas / Arts and recreation
dc.relation.haspart78 Música / Music
dc.rightsDerechos reservados - Universidad Nacional de Colombia
dc.title“Secuencia didáctica para reforzar conceptos de proporcionalidad y números racionales a partir de la música y la elaboración de instrumentos musicales”
dc.typeTrabajo de grado - Maestría
dc.relation.referencesClavijo Jiménez, Luisa Fernanda (2019) “Secuencia didáctica para reforzar conceptos de proporcionalidad y números racionales a partir de la música y la elaboración de instrumentos musicales”. Maestría thesis, Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Bogotá.
dc.subject.proposalAprendizaje por proyectos
dc.subject.proposalAprendizaje significativo
dc.subject.proposalEnseñanza de la proporcionalidad
dc.subject.proposalEnseñanza de los números racionales
dc.subject.proposalProject learning
dc.subject.proposalMeaningful learning
dc.subject.proposalProportionality teaching
dc.subject.proposalRational numbers teaching

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