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dc.rights.licenseAtribución-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional
dc.contributorRuiz Serna, Marco Antonio
dc.contributor.authorAlsina Quintero, Harold Antonio
dc.description.abstractEl presente trabajo tiene como objetivo estudiar el uso de sistemas de levantamiento PCP como alternativa para manejo de sólidos en pozos tipo y el desarrollo de su geometría de fabricación para mejorar el desempeño del sistema en escenarios de alto manejo de arena y comparar los resultados con el apoyo de un software. Se analiza el desempeño de operación de distintos equipos con diferente ajuste de geometría y ángulo Swept (Angulo de geometría de etapa o arrastre) en casos específicos de alta condición de flujo de sólido, identificando los equipos con geometría de mayor efectividad para manejo de flujo de arena y las condiciones favorables para optimizar el flujo de sólido y evitar el asentamiento en fondo para cada caso. Adicionalmente se definen conceptos importantes como velocidad de arrastre y asentamiento de la partícula sólida junto con nivel crítico dinámico que incrementa el aporte de sólidos desde la formación hacia el pozo.
dc.description.abstractAbstract: In production control of an oil well, the production of solids is an important factor that determines the survey system to select and the operating variables of the selected system to maintain an expected production and an adequate management of the solid placed on the surface. It has been demonstrated that the system of lifting by progressive cavities (PCP, by its name in English Progressive Cavity Pump), is the system with better performance for scenarios of production of viscous Oil and scenarios of high production of solids. For this system, special progressive cavity pump (PCP) geometries have been developed, with properties of greater efficiency for solids handling that has improved the operational stabilization of wells with high sand flow index. These special geometries have been based on the definition of drag angles of greater effectiveness that decrease the size of the pump stages, increase their cross-sectional area of flow and reduce the distance of connection between each stage, which generates less draining capacity between the rotor-stator friction and greater handling capacity of the bottom equipment for viscous fluids, heavy and with high solids content. However, it should be noted that the geometric developments of these PCP equipment are premature and there is a very basic study scenario and a broad path of knowledge and exploration. Therefore, it is difficult in many opportunities to specify a good selection of bottom equipment of this system for scenarios with high criticality of solid particle flow   The objective of this work is to study the use of PCP lifting systems as an alternative for handling solids in type wells and the development of their manufacturing geometry to improve the performance of the system in high sand management scenarios and compare the results with the support of a software. The operation performance of different equipment with different adjustment of geometry and angle Swept (angle of geometry of stage or drag) in specific cases of high condition of flow of solid is analyzed, identifying the equipment with geometry of greater effectiveness for flow management of sand and favorable conditions to optimize the flow of solid and avoid settlement at the bottom for each case. Additionally, important concepts are defined, such as the speed of drag and settlement of the solid particle together with the critical critical level that increases the contribution of solids from the formation to the well.
dc.relation.ispartofUniversidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Medellín Facultad de Minas Escuela de Química y Petróleos
dc.relation.ispartofEscuela de Química y Petróleos
dc.relation.haspart62 Ingeniería y operaciones afines / Engineering
dc.rightsDerechos reservados - Universidad Nacional de Colombia
dc.titleDesempeño de geometrías de bombas PCP en pozos críticos de alto manejo de flujo de sólidos.
dc.typeTrabajo de grado - Maestría
dc.relation.referencesAlsina Quintero, Harold Antonio (2019) Desempeño de geometrías de bombas PCP en pozos críticos de alto manejo de flujo de sólidos. Maestría thesis, Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Medellín.
dc.subject.proposalBombas de Cavidades Progresivas

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