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dc.rights.licenseAtribución-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional
dc.contributor.advisorTorres Trujillo, Pedro Ignacio
dc.contributor.authorGómez-Cardona, Nelson Dario
dc.identifier.citation@PHDTHESIS{Gomez01, author = "Nelson Gomez-Cardona and Pedro Torres", title = "Integrated Photonic Circuits Based on Plasmonic Modes in Microstructured Optical Fibers", school = "Escuela de F\'isica, Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Medell\'in", year = "2020", type = "", month = "November", }
dc.description.abstractThis thesis considers the phenomena associated with plasmon modes excited in MOFs, with a particular interest in higher-order plasmon modes and their coupling with propagation modes of the MOF. These multiple couplings, according to our prior knowledge, are the cause of the multiple resonances that occur in the transmittance spectrum of the SC-MOF. At this point, the study of symmetrical structures, in which the medium surrounding the metal film is homogeneous, and antisymmetric structures, in which the upper and lower media are different, was also addressed, but in these cases, multilayer structures were used because of it offers the possibility of modifying the propagation properties of the excited plasmon modes and tuning the resonance condition, improving the performance of the devices. Following this line of analysis, the excitation of plasmon modes in MOFs containing metal-filled holes was also considered. To facilitate the modeling of the structure and a better understanding of the associated phenomena the metal-filled holes were considered as nanowires with smoothed walls, avoiding the presence of localized modes in corners formed by inhomogeneities. Overall, modeling and understanding these structures was possible obtaining conditions for exciting hybrid modes, which appear to be ideal for photonic circuits
dc.description.abstractThis thesis considers the phenomena associated with plasmon modes excited in MOFs, with a particular interest in higher-order plasmon modes and their coupling with propagation modes of the MOF. These multiple couplings are the cause of the multiple resonances that occur in the transmittance spectrum of the SC-MOF. At this point, the study of symmetrical structures, in which the medium surrounding the metal film is homogeneous, and antisymmetric structures, in which the upper and lower media are different, was also addressed, but in these cases, multilayer structures were used because of it offers the possibility of modifying the propagation properties of the excited plasmon modes and tuning the resonance condition, improving the performance of the devices. Following this line of analysis, the excitation of plasmon modes in MOFs containing metal-filled holes was also considered. To facilitate the modeling of the structure and a better understanding of the associated phenomena the metal-filled holes were considered as nanowires with smoothed walls, avoiding the presence of localized modes in corners formed by inhomogeneities. Overall, modeling and understanding these structures was possible obtaining conditions for exciting hybrid modes, which appear to be ideal for photonic circuits.
dc.rightsDerechos reservados - Universidad Nacional de Colombia
dc.subject.ddc530 - Física
dc.subject.ddc620 - Ingeniería y operaciones afines
dc.titleIntegrated photonic circuits based on plasmonic modes in microstructured optical fibers
dc.title.alternativeCircuitos fotónicos integrados basados en modos plasmonicos en fibras ópticas micro-estructuradas
dc.rights.spaAcceso abierto
dc.publisher.programMedellín - Ciencias - Doctorado en Ciencias - Física
dc.contributor.corporatenameUniversidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Medellín
dc.contributor.researchgroupFotónica y Opto-electrónica
dc.publisher.departmentEscuela de física
dc.publisher.branchUniversidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Medellín
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dc.subject.proposalMicrostructured optical fiber
dc.subject.proposalFibra óptica micro-estructurada
dc.subject.proposalPhotonic crystal fiber
dc.subject.proposalFibra de cristal fotónico
dc.subject.proposalOptical waveguide
dc.subject.proposalGuía de ondas ópticas
dc.subject.proposalSurface plasmon polariton
dc.subject.proposalPolaritón de plasmón de superficie
dc.subject.proposalResonancia de plasmón de superficie
dc.subject.proposalSurface plasmon resonance
dc.subject.proposalOptical fiber devices
dc.subject.proposalSensor de fibra óptica
dc.subject.proposalOptical fiber sensor
dc.subject.proposalDispositivos de fibra óptica

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