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dc.rights.licenseAtribución-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional
dc.contributor.advisorCamargo Mendoza, Jorge Eliécer
dc.contributor.authorSáenz Imbacuán, Rigoberto
dc.description.abstractWe want to measure the impact of the curriculum learning technique on a reinforcement training setup, several experiments were designed with different training curriculums adapted for the video game chosen as a case study. Then all were executed on a selected game simulation platform, using two reinforcement learning algorithms, and using the mean cumulative reward as a performance measure. Results suggest that curriculum learning has a significant impact on the training process, increasing training times in some cases, and decreasing them up to 40% percent in some other cases.
dc.description.abstractSe desea medir el impacto de la técnica de aprendizaje por currículos sobre el tiempo de entrenamiento de un agente inteligente que está aprendiendo a jugar un video juego usando aprendizaje por refuerzo, para esto se diseñaron varios experimentos con diferentes currículos adaptados para el video juego seleccionado como caso de estudio, y se ejecutaron en una plataforma de simulación de juegos seleccionada, usando dos algoritmos de aprendizaje por refuerzo, y midiendo su desempeño usando la recompensa media acumulada. Los resultados sugieren que usar aprendizaje por currículos tiene un impacto significativo sobre el proceso de entrenamiento, en algunos casos alargando los tiempos de entrenamiento, y en otros casos disminuyéndolos en hasta en un 40% por ciento.
dc.rightsDerechos reservados - Universidad Nacional de Colombia
dc.subject.ddc000 - Ciencias de la computación, información y obras generales
dc.titleEvaluating the impact of curriculum learning on the training process for an intelligent agent in a video game
dc.title.alternativeEvaluando el impacto del aprendizaje por currículos en el proceso de entrenamiento de un agente inteligente en un videojuego
dc.rights.spaAcceso abierto
dc.description.projectEvaluating the impact of curriculum learning on the training process for an intelligent agent in a video game
dc.description.additionalLínea de investigación: Aprendizaje por refuerzo en videojuegos. In this document we present the results of several experiments with curriculum learning applied to a game AI learning process to measure its effects on the learning time, specifically we trained an agent using a reinforcement learning algorithm to play a video game running on a game simulation platform, then we trained another agent under the same conditions but including a training curriculum, which is a set of rules that modify the learning environment at specific times to make it easier to master by the agent at the beginning, then we compared both results. Our initial hypothesis is that in some cases using a training curriculum would allow the agent to learn faster, reducing the training time required. We describe in detail all the main elements of our work, including the choice of the game simulation platform to run the training experiments, the review of the reinforcement learning algorithms used to train the agent, the description of the video game selected as case study, the parameters used to design the training curriculums, and the discussion of the results obtained.
dc.publisher.programBogotá - Ingeniería - Maestría en Ingeniería - Ingeniería de Sistemas y Computación
dc.publisher.branchUniversidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Bogotá
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dc.subject.proposalAprendizaje por Curriculos
dc.subject.proposalCurriculum Learning
dc.subject.proposalAprendizaje por Refuerzo
dc.subject.proposalReinforcement Learning
dc.subject.proposalTraining Curriculum
dc.subject.proposalCurriculo de Entrenamiento
dc.subject.proposalMedia de Recompensa Acumulada
dc.subject.proposalMean Cumulative Reward
dc.subject.proposalProximal Policy Optimization
dc.subject.proposalOptimizacion por Politica Proxima
dc.subject.proposalVideo Games
dc.subject.proposalGame AI
dc.subject.proposalInteligencia Artificial en Videojuegos
dc.subject.proposalUnity Machine Learning Agents
dc.subject.proposalAgentes de Aprendizaje Automatico de Unity
dc.subject.proposalKit de Herramientas de Aprendizaje Automatico de Unity
dc.subject.proposalUnity ML-Agents Toolkit
dc.subject.proposalUnity Engine
dc.subject.proposalMotor de Videojuegos Unity

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